Halloween Riddles

Have fun with these Halloween riddles written by the 6e.
Will you guess who it is about ?

I have 8 legs,
I live in old houses
I’m an animal
Who am I ?
by Elie P.

Children love me.
Who am I ?
by Martin G.

I’m white
People can’t see me.
I live in a haunted house.
Who am I ?
by Anaïck S.

I eat mice
I’m black
I can’t bear dogs.
Who am I ?
by Pierre-Louis L.

I hate cats
I am black
I love cheese
Who am I ?
by Jeanne L.

I live in a pumpkin
I have two eyes and one mouth.
My head is orange.
Who am I ?
by Mathieu G.

I can fly with my wings,
I sleep upside down in the rooftops.
I am soft and fury.
Who am I ?
by Dominic B.

I come from a coffin,
I love blood,
I wear black capes,
and I like the dark.
I burn in the sun.
Who am I ?
by Scarlet K.

I am not a witch or a skeleton.
I am hungry and bad.
I like children.
but I don’t like hamburgers.
Who am I ?
by Timour B.

I have a big broom
I have a big hat
I cast spells
Who am I ?
by Alexia L.

I live in a haunted house or a graveyard
I don’t have a body
I’m dead
Who am I ?
by Emma D.

I am a superhero
I’m black
I live in a haunted house
I like mice
I have wings.
Who am I ?
by Enki R.

I have screws in my head
I am green
I come from evil
I’m big
Who am I ?
by Esteban P.

I’m a spell caster
I have a broom
I love black cats and bats
I have a spot on my nose
Who am I ?
by Lilou C.

I’m not very fury
I’m scary
I make webs
And I have eight legs.
Who am I ?
by Lisa C.

I have a hat and big black cats
I love candies and October
I have a broom
Who am I ?
by Margot D.

I’m ugly and not nice,
I’ve got a broom
I fly with my broom in the sky at night,
And I’ve got a hat on my head.
Who am I ?
by Lisa M.

I have a magic broom and a hat.
I have a spot on my nose
I have black cats and a cauldron.
Who am I.
by Julien H.

I am orange
I am big
I have two eyes
I have a tail
They use me for feast.
Who am I ?
by Léana C.

I’m black
I have four legs
I have a lot of hairs
I have a little nose
I hate dogs.
Who am I ?
by Quentin C.

I come from a haunted house,
no hair, no bone,
My skin is a white fabric.
Who am I ?
by Jeanne D.

I come from a haunted house
I am the left over soul if humans
I carry a steel ball everywhere.
And I am spooky.
Who am I ?
by Harvey A.

I have boots and a big hat,
I live in a tower
And I love spiders and bats.
I’m super scary.
I love black.
Who am I ?
by Romane R.

I’m black
Witches have me on their head
I am spiky.
Who am I ?
by Candice H.

I have black hairs
I hate dogs
I love catfood
Who am I ?
by Eloise L.

I have a big nose
And a magic wand.
Who am I ?
by Quentin B.


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